Finding Your Inner David in the Face of Goliath - Ruth's Submission

What is the definition of lineage? A lineage is a direct line of a family's descendants over time. Whether you're of a small family or a large one, your family's ancestry is essential in recognizing your attributes. We may think our past and future generations only carry similar features, personalities, and physical characteristics, but in reality, our lineage plays a much deeper role in our struggles, fears, and spiritual warfare.

Ruth was the great grandmother of David. Although she might not have lived to see David on earth, her godly qualities influenced David's pursuit of God.

Finding Your Inner David in the Face of Goliath - Saul's Defense

Finding Your Inner David in the Face of Goliath - Saul's Defense

How would you respond if the Lord confronted you of a sin you felt wasn't your fault? Maybe you accidentally walked into a situation, not realizing at the time what would happen. Perhaps a friend had the idea, and you were only there as a witness.

When situations like these happen, we find ourselves in sticky positions. Do we need to confess and repent if it wasn't initially our idea? And if we walked into the situation or had something done to us, shouldn't the other person be to blame?

Finding Your Inner David in the Face of Goliath-Saul's Failure

Finding Your Inner David in the Face of Goliath-Saul's Failure

What is your automatic instinct when facing adversity? Run, flee, panic, hide? Whether we want to admit it or not, desperation often brings out our true nature. We may convince ourselves we're as bold as Katniss Everdeen or as brave as Captain America, but in reality, we may be just as frightened as the Israelites were when fighting against the Philistines (1 Samuel 17).