Our Mission:
“Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus who then go out and make more disciples. Consecration, Intercession, and Worship are the pillars of the ISI Family.”
What isI Ministries?
A message from the founders, Kevin and Mandy Belt. Click below to read their story.
Upcoming Events:
Mountain Mondays 7 PM @ ISI House
Dorm Discipleship on SAU Campus @ 7 PM
Men of Valor Classes @ISI House@ 7pM
Rubies Women Classes @ISI House@ 7pM
Sunday School 9:45 am @ Bethel Church
Discipleship Training Videos:
If you are interested in watching any of our Discipleship Training videos, please click the link below!
Spring 2024 Highlights:
Spring 2024 started off with so many new experiences.
1st: We have a new on-campus home!! Because of this, we can meet so many new students, whom we would have never met before.
2: We began a series called "The Unseen". This 2-part series takes a deep dive into the bible and its teachings about angels and demons. Hallie and Brodie Belt (teachers of the series) discuss real-life occurrences with demons, and what to do when one is seen.
3: We started offering "The Extra Mile Services" on Thursdays. This is a bible-study/teaching where Students truly learn more about God and his word.
Throughout the semester, we continued to have Sunday School at 9:45 am, Mountain Mondays at 7 pm, Thursday Night’s Extra Mile at 7 pm, and online Bible classes for anyone to join.
Some highlights of this semester:
ISI Ministries Pillars OF Faith:
Choosing to be consecrated means living a life that is set apart for the purpose of God in our lives. ISI Ministries strives to help in identifying hindrances and setbacks that could negatively affect the consecration process.
Although consecration is vital in the Christian life, we also heavily emphasize God’s never ending mercy and grace to restore us when we fail. Consecration is a lifelong journey of growth and repentance to the ways of God.
(Romans 12:1-2)
Prayer is our communication with God. It is therefore essential in all Christians’ lives. Intercession is praying for others. This type of prayer is what changes the hearts of even the most lost souls.
ISI Ministries focus on not only talking to the Lord but also listening to the Lord. John 10 says “my sheep hear my voice and another voice they will not follow".” It is critical to hear the voice of the Lord and in response pray His Will over other people’s lives as well as our own.
(Ephesians 6:18)
Worship is not just singing but is in everything we do. Colossians 3:23 “No matter what you are doing, you do it unto the Lord.” All our actions speak about who we are and who we serve.
We should worship with all our heart, soul, and mind. God inhabits the praises of His people and to inhabit something you must be there. When we worship God, He is there with us.
(Psalm 100:1-5)
“ISI helped me find God again.”
“ISI introduced me to some great men that helped me grow as a Christian.”
“I love ISI because not only has it created an atmosphere for me to hang out with faith filled friends, but it has also taught me how to continue a relationship with Christ! I have learned so much about creating, and sustaining my relationship with him.We have learned so much about the discipline it takes, as well as God’s forgiving grace when we fall short. ”
Become a Partner Today!
ISI Ministries @ Southern Arkansas University:
Find out what ISI Ministries is doing at Southern Arkansas University (SAU) in Magnolia. Click below.